Sunday, 20 September 2020

Westies Hut Trip. " South Coast Track, Fiordland"

 Nick & Garry, 

Fly into Westies Hut 21st September, overnight, then walk to Waitutu hut & overnight, then walk to Wairaurhiri hut & overnight, then walk to Port Craig School hut & overnight, then walk out to road end. 

Out safe & sound 25/09/20.

Photos from this trip can be found at the following link.....

The story of Westies hut can be found at the following link........

A wee bit of history with regards to Port Craig can be found at this link.......

Sunday, 1 March 2020

MOW Hut 2/3/20

Nick & Brian flying to MOW hut Monday 2/03/20 at 1.30 pm overnight at this hut, next day walk out to MacKay hut, overnight, Weds 4th walk to Heaphy hut & overnight, Thurs 5th walk out to road end.

Out safe & Sound...

To view more photos from this trip use the following link.....

Saturday, 15 February 2020

Watney Heights Biv 10th Feb 2020

Nick & John Fly into Watney Heights Biv 10/02/20 fly out 13/02/20.
Out safe & sound.
You can see more photos at the following link.